Monday, January 18, 2010

What Martin Meant to Me

     Martin Luther king Jr. is often quoted by intellectuals for a variety of reasons. With a figure like King all one writer can do is to explain how they are influenced by him. King means so much to me that I would need a whole book to explain it all, so I will discuss just a couple of the examples that King set for me. King teaches me to persevere and to make new paths.

     King decided to embrace the greater principles of God and humanity – Justice, Freedom, Peace, and Empathy. He walked with those principles all of his life. King continues to fight for those principles even from beyond the grave. When King died he was not liked because he was against the Vietnam War, while his inner circle wanted to live comfortable. King died like so many prophets of God-alone. Sure there were people around him physically, but he stood way out front in many ways. At times we who hold those same principles feel like giving up, we can look to King for support. These days, King is often the only encouragement that we have.

     One of the most important lessons that King teaches often goes overlooked. Sometimes we have to create a new path when we are pursuing a path with great principles. The powers that be will often close off paths for upright people. King was abandoned by the black church, so he created the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). When we find ourselves without an institution that will support our efforts, we should create our own.

     King carried his cross until the end of his days in this realm of existence. I hope that those of us who are courageous today will continue to be courageous until the end of our time.

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