Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Gift for Obama

So far President Obama has not completed any agenda items and is almost half way through his first term. He has not done anything to stimulate the economy. Obama has not given us real health care. He has done nothing to improve the environment and has no immigration policy. Obama is extremely fortunate because the Tea Party Movement and the Militia Movement are against Obama for who he is and not what his policies are. When left with the option of voting for Obama or his opposition, many unsatisfied citizens will be forced to select Obama. President Obama’s enemies are his greatest gifts.

The Tea Party Movement claims that they are being taxed without representation. They often say that they want their country back. They do not want the country back from the way that the government is behaving because nothing has changed ideologically. They want the country back from Obama, a black man. Obama has forgotten that he is black, (according to the 1 drop rule) but those who believe in white male rule have not forgotten. Tea Party members call him a socialist and a fascist and a liberal. He cannot possibly be all of those things. Ron Paul recently had to correct the racist by informing them that Obama is not a socialist, he is a corporatist. Paul received few applause for this fact. Hate does not care about facts or truth.

The Militia Movement has always been here. They believe that the wealthy elite are working together to create a one world government. Militia members think that Obama is the enemy because he is charming everyone into volunteering to live under this one world government. Their solution is to train and stockpile weapons in order to wage war on the U. S. government. The Militia Movement also focuses on Obama’s personality.

President Obama is sitting pretty because he has been given the gift of a hateful opposition. Most voters know that if they choose hate, the empire will die a painful death. The worst part of it all is that Obama is not that good of a president thus far and his policies are unsound.

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