Friday, June 25, 2010

Faith Can Wear Thin

We are living in some of the hardest times since chattel slavery. If you are a believer in the God Force, your faith may be wearing thin. I personally have wondered if God had turned away from me altogether. In the past that thought would be followed up by guilt. How could I be so short sighted and forgetful? The God Force keeps everything maintained despite human kinds destructive attitudes. But we really should not feel guilty for thin faith, especially since Abraham’s faith was paper thin several times. Abraham had enough faith to leave his family or clan to seek a place of greater spirituality. Abraham, bursting with faith in the beginning, sent his wife to strange men’s beds because he feared for his life and did not trust God to keep him safe. Abraham also abandoned his first born, which he loved, because his wife told him so. If Abraham’s faith can wear thin, why can’t ours?

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