Monday, November 1, 2010

End of Empire

The Empire of Egypt (Kemet) ran from Egypt down to Sudan. Now Egypt is broken and occupied by strangers. The Greek Empire was large and powerful. Now Greece is a small nation state that is bankrupt. The Roman Empire ruled multiple continents. Now Rome is a city in Italy. The sun never set on the British Empire. Now Britain has withdrawn from its colonies all around the world. The Empire of the United States is now at the end of its reign. The plantation plutocracy is barren.

We have to begin to think about what the United States will become. Will it break up into regional nations? Will each state become independent nations? Will the large ethnic groups get their own nations? It is important to know that these questions will be answered in the next 5 years. If we do not open up our minds and hearts to the reality of our new paradigm we could find ourselves lost and set adrift when the new geographical constructs come into being. Whether becoming a wanderer will benefit you is for you to decide. It is my job to warn you of what is coming.

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