Tuesday, February 1, 2011

5 Kemetic Concepts

There are five Kemetic concepts that constitute the Ma’atic response to injustice and disorder in the world. Those concepts must be seen in the light of general African cultural developments….Certainly there are differentials in response based upon environmental conditions and other factors but I believe that the general cultural project against chaos represented by Ma’at with an ankh in her hand is encompassed by my classification, using five Kemetic concepts: tep, pet, heb, sen, and meh.
Tep (Beginning)
Love of children
Late Weaning
Value Fertility
                      Kemet, Afrocentricity and  Knowledge. Molefi Asante

Children should be produced out of love. They should not be produced from acts of simple lust, revenge sex, simple passion, force, or any other unnatural means. We should keep our children with us for longer periods of time at the beginning of their lives. We should drop them off any place else for anyone to watch them. If we cannot afford to watch over our children then we should not have them. If you have a child already it would be better to reduce your lifestyle than to leave your child to bond with others. If you have no other choice, make sure that you spend at least three hours per 24 hour period with just your child without distractions. All children should develop with children their age or close to it. When children are over exposed to adults they see and hear things that they cannot fully understand. When children are forced to spend time with children younger than themselves it can slow their maturation. Some of us cannot have children while other have a lot of children. All children belong to the community. We should help those who have many children, especially when we have no children at all. We should offer what ever resource we have.

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