Thursday, December 10, 2009

Obama’s Mistake

The 2008 presidential election was the most exciting election of our life time, maybe in the history of the United States. It was exciting because it was important, it was important because it was so varied. At the end we were left to choose between three candidates that represented the three types of rulers.
John McCain represented those of the ruling caste that believe in dominant rule. The dominant ruler wants the masses to serve them at all cost to ourselves, no cost to the ruling caste. Hillary Clinton represented those of the ruling caste that believe in parental responsibility. The parental ruler thinks that the masses are all like children, incapable of taking care of ourselves. Barack Obama represented those of the ruling caste that believe in lenient rule. The lenient ruler thinks that the masses should have some say over our lives, but leave the great issues to them.
So why has Obama’s first year been a failure? Obama does not fully under the ruling class. He is trying to create consensus between the rulers. Obama does not fully understand that the rulers function as a block. When one type of the ruling class wins, the others concede. They know that in the end rulers win no matter which faction is in control of the nation. All Obama has to do is the bidding of the lenient rulers. He has to enlarge the portion of the pie received by the masses from a crumb to a slice or two.
The ruling caste has had their inner battle and the lenient rulers have won. This means a slight victory for those of us on the bottom as well. Let us just hope that our young president understands this before it is too late.




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