Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The United States Died in the 1960's

     Every since the United States was put together the masses of the people have moved forward and backward, but always with a net gain. We always gained because of the quality of our leaders along with our willingness to follow. Then we had the terrible decade of the 1960’s. In the 1960’s we lost social titans that caused the masses to shut themselves down with drugs, alcohol, and meaningless tasks. In the 1960’s they killed Medgar Evers, John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. After those men were assassinated no one quite filled their shoes. It is kind of difficult to understand how killing four people can kill an entire empire, but the right people at the proper time can move empires up mountains or off of cliffs. Just imagine what the U. S. would be like today if some group had killed George Washington, Benjamin Banneker, Prince hall, and Thomas Jefferson. We may not even be living in a place called the United States. Now that the U. S. has been dead for forty years, it is time to turn the page. We have to create communities based on common understanding, which means that we have to build new institutions from the ground up philosophically. We can no longer afford to shut ourselves behind closed doors and say nothing more to our neighbors than hello and goodbye.Black Americans: The FBI File

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