Monday, April 30, 2012

Why I Created the Scholar's Room

   One day My wife I went into the local library because she wanted to pick up the book Tis by Frank McCourt. She stood in the middle of the noisy library and said, they don't have anything in here. She said that we had more books in our house. Of course I do not have as many books in my house as the library, but I have a lot of good books in good condition. My house is also quiet, so that you want to study you can it in peace. I started the Scholar's Room to give scholars a place to research in quiet. You can also copy documents here. By the way the copy of Tis had missing pages. If you join the Scholars Room as an annual member you can borrow books as well as receive books by mail. If you are not a member you can pay a small fee to see the books or materials. Check out the Scholar's Room at


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