Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Love Under Rocks

   A man walks up to Freddy at the bottom of a staircase belonging to a two family building that stands beside a take-out Chinese restaurant. The man wants to make sure that he is in the right place. Freddy directs this common man up to the top of the staircase. The man walks up the stairs to the second floor apartment and knocks three times. Jay opens a small door where the peephole used to be to look at the slightly nervous man. The man walks into the apartment, sits in a plastic porch chair, in what would be a living room if anyone was living in the apartment. The man looks over the women to see which one he wants to have sex with. Anastasia is wearing lace, Cocoa is wearing leather, and Satin has on a garter belt, panties and a bra. Up to ten women work at the John Doe’s whore house at any one time. However, Satin, Cocoa, and Anastasia are regulars and the best. The man feels like having someone aggressive, so he chooses Cocoa. Cocoa grabs the man’s hand to pull him past the counter. The counter is really three forty two inch book shelves. The bookshelves are angle so that Sandra, John Doe’s niece, is boxed in. The shelves are facing Sandra so that no one ever knows exactly which shelf the money is on. The shelves also hold a sawed off shot gun, a nine millimeter hand gun, and two bats. Cocoa takes the man down a hall with doors on each side of them to room number seven.  This process happens night after night between the hours of eleven P.M. and four A.M.

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